Hello, My name is Dean Smith I am a student a South leicestershire college at this moment i am part of the course Games Design Level 3 year 1. This is the portfolio that i will be using to show my best work when making games and other projects for the viewer and review it. Here is a project that i made when making sprites and how i created them https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q3M9W4798POVQRMVANSDjMtPAMVMxvAU The link that I have presented is a guide on creating sprites for a game idea that was created by the use of Piskel a website that allows creators to create easy sprites while having quality pixel art in the guide I explain the uses of the tools and what colours were used to create the sprites this can present the idea and creativity on how i made them. Here is a link to the characterisation sheet that is used for my character https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fRpjkgwLDhDvRAMiRUT3BD8uu4qZ0Zo4 In the sheet is description on how the character could act and ...