For the start of the application I will be compare and contrasting a 2d and 3d game these games are the original Castlevania and the evil within. For these 2 games I will be look at their artistic style, computer game graphics, pixel, types of digital design, file extension, compression, image capture, optimising and storage of image assets.
The original Castlevania or just Castlevania is an NES games created in 1986 it was an action and adventure platformer game where you play as Simon Belmont and traverse through Draculas demonic castle to defeat him while playing you gain item and other item in the game like health even upgrades. For gameplay I have provided a URL link of the first game in Castlevania on YouTube but also an image of the first level I found on google.
In the image of Castlevania you can see the HUD of the game the score, time, what stage your on, health, bosses health and items.
This Link will show you a link of the first level in castelvania

The evil within
The evil within is a horror third person survival horror where you play as Sebastian Castellanos a detective in the police department where he is trapped in the mind of a psychopath with his two assistance Ruvik and Kidmen. As you progress through you encounter new enemy’s, weapons and items in the game that helps you progress and even upgrade your character and items for gameplay I have provided a URL of a gameplay trailer for the evil within on YouTube and an image I found on google that show a piece of the game.
In the image the hud is smaller which shows the simple parts in the game example item you have equip health and the amount of ammo you have but also you have a sight icon which tells the play if an enemy sees you or not.
This link will show you a gameplay trailer of the evil within
Mood: for the mood in Castlevania when you get into the game you get invigorated and exiting to play as you play the game you get relaxed and feel joy as you continue progressing the game which makes you want to play more.
For the evil within it give you a chill As you play there are some parts in the game that can make you afraid but when you finished in that part of the game you feel relief that you finished that chapter of the game.

Artistic style 
Artistic style can reveal what type of style that your game would be based on for example there are different variation of artistic style there is pixel, Photo-realistic, minimalism, anime/exaggeration and cartoon.
 You would use this these type of artistic styles depending on your type of platform in your game like if it was a horror game you could use photo realistic to make it stand out but to also make it more immersive but not only that it would also depend on the amount of data you would need for your game there are also other game that wouldn’t be able to use photo-realistic as they don’t have the amount of data required so they would have to compress some images or all form of data to fit.

 For old fashion games like Castlevania they would cartridges that wouldn’t have a lot of data and were massive for 1 of those cartridges there would have been at least 100mb in a single cartridge which isn’t a lot to use, but for other games now they use blue-ray disks that have more data almost 100-200GB which is a lot to use this is what the evil within uses to play.

Computer game graphics
2D sprites
2D is where you can see only one prospective of a character or shape for example when you look at an old pixelated game you would see the stage or area in a 2D prospective Image of castle stage 2 is a good example for 2D sprites as you see the entire stage in one prospective like the enemy’s, scenery and walk path.

3D Isometric Sprite
3D isometric sprite is where you see all the sides of a shape but it is revealed as a flat object for example a game called monument valley uses 3d isometric drawing and illusions an your goal is to reach you destination in the game here is a link that show one of the levels in monument valley how they use 3d isometric and turn it on its head.
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Concept art
Concept art is the in game part but in hand drawn form, some concept art can be even be drawn digitally most concept art would show characters, items, objects, enemy’s and weapons of the game old fashion games like super Mario would have had their concept art hand drawn and then inserted into an old computer program where you then place into a game but now we use more advanced programs like Photoshop to create are concept art digitally. Here is an image of some Concept art of Mario for super Mario galaxy and here is a link of an artist using Photoshop to create a character of his own design. There are some situation where game designer would use image capture to create scenery’s based of that image this is normally used on photo-realistic games  Image result for super mario original concept art

Texture art
Texture art is where the game would have texture in there game or there surrounding to make the game have more visual and physical prosperity’s this can be used in both 2d and 3d prospective games and different forms of texture and have different emotional effects
Image result for 2d game textures castlevania
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Back ground Graphics
Background graphics are the background of the game or scenery background designs would be further away from the character in both 2d and 3d games here we have an image from the start of the game in the image the castle, moon, bats and trees would be the background design in the game as for the image of the evil within you7 can see the giant tower, the ravens and the sunlight in the distance these examples are background designs in the game
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In game interface
In game interface is the part of the game that shows you your health, ammo (if in game), weapon equipped and stamina bar (if in game), score, time and stage (if in game)
Image result for Evil within in game interface
Print media
Print media is the advertisement of the game itself for example there are different variations of advertisement when it comes to print media first easy example is the casing it comes in but it could come in with a box cover and manual with it as well if it comes to special editions of the game or old fashion games but other than that you can use poster and POS which stand for Point of sale there like Big advertisements that you would normally see in from of the main entrance of a supermarket to interest people in buying there game.
Another form of media that can be used to promote games is gameplay or official trailers which isn’t a form of print media but a form of social media.
Image result for Evil within case Image result for Original castlevania case

A pixel is like a spot the start of a creation when you have more of them then you start to notice a shape of a characters or an object but there are times when you require a certain amount of them to make things stand out, the more pixels that are in the object the more the object will stand out
Castlevania work with Pixels as it is a 2d game and was originally made for the NES which only used Pixel If evil within was pixel it wouldn’t look good and it’s also a horror shooter which would not make the game scary anymore
Raster Images (BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPG):
A raster image is where you compare an image into a file format where it would lose some of its quality if zoomed in you can see the pixels it is made from which make it blurred but this type of imagery is normally used in 2d games

The BMP file format or bitmap image file is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images, independently of the display device (such as a graphics adapter)

A GIF is a lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images GIF are also used on the internet for websites and other type of sights
Link of Image address
TIFF or Tagged Image Format File is a computer file format for storing raster graphics images, popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry, and photographers
JPG is where an image in a computer is compressed into bytes and then reformed into an image

Vector images (PSD, WMF, FLA, and AI)
A vector image is a digital graphic image that when zoomed in it will still be clear but this type of file format will take for room to process. This form of imagery would be used in photo-realistic games
PSD (PHOTSHOP DOCUMENT) is the default format that Photoshop uses for saving data. Then you can place layer over the image even if it has been saved.
WMF (windows Meta file) is a 16-bit format that was originally designed for Microsoft windows.  WMF are intended to be portable between applications.

FLA stand for Macromedia flash FLA files typically include vector image data for use i animations and have times lines to control the animation playback , audio and they may also include bit mapped video content.

Adobe illustrator is a common uses for file extension but is also quite popular for Graphic based drawing program but can be strictly limited.
Image result for adobe illustrator images
Castlevania File image and extension
Since Castlevania is an NES game bitmap would be suitable for this game as it is an old fashion game it would also help with the amount of room that the NES cartridge although it would have looked better if it was made in PSD but the reason why it wouldn’t made in photoshop is because it is an older game which photoshop didn’t exist at that time but the size of the image in photoshop would be too big in the cartridge.

Evil within File image and extension
Since the evil within is a ps3/ps4 game it would use PSD as the game is a horror game it would have to be photorealistic to look immersive and scary but if it was made in bitmap then it would look pixilated and blurry when zoomed which doesn’t make it immersive and it would ruin the game. The ps4 has a blu ray disk which can hold more data so then it would use more advanced graphics and hold bigger files like PSD and AI.
File extension
A file extensions is numbers or words that have been attach to a filename it also helps identify the type of file in an operation system as well as most common file extensions like vector and raster most Advanced game would have more file extensions depending on how detailed the game is.

Compression is commonly used to speed the transmissions of either text or visual data or minimise the memory resource need to store the type of data required there is also texture compression a form of compression that stores texture maps in 3D computer graphics rendering systems there is also lossless compression “a class of data compression algorithms that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data.” Link to Wikipedia
I used this quote to help me understand more about lossless compression it is also very useful for people who also need to learn about lossless compression
For Castlevania the data that it would have would have been compressed so then it would fir the cartridge and be able to play but for the evil within the blue ray would have stored big files so then it wouldn’t have to be compressed. This link will describe what compression is
Image capture
Image capture is his process of obtaining a digital image from a vision sensor, such as a camera. Usually this entails a hardware interface known as a frame grabber, which captures single frames of video, converts the analogue values to digital, and feeds the result into the computer memory.
In the Evil within there are certain parts in the game that would of required image capture to make it more realistic but for Castlevania they couldn’t do image capture as the game itself couldn’t hold a lot of data they would have to do concept art to create there sprites and then place it into a program.
This image is a good example of Image capture as the developers would have taken an image of a hospital and then place it into their game.

In computing, optimising is the process of modifying a system to make some features of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources. In Castlevania this would have to optimise the files that it had so then it would fit its files they would mostly optimise the game but for the evil within they wouldn’t need to optimise the files because it was a blue ray disk Here is a link of how to Optimise your graphics in a game.

Storage of media assets
This is when you save an image or file in your storage device you can create folders to make your storage device more efficient and easier to find your work. They would have use this for the evil within as it is a photo realistic game they would have different variation of images in the game as for Castlevania it wouldn’t be able to fit a lot of images.

This image shows the amount of storage media that can be saved into a computer or even a game. 


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