Legal and ethical consideration unit 78 digital graphics for computer games

When we think of video game we need to think about what the legal and ethical considerations are.

1. Copyright law: copyright Law is the legal right of a creator of Painting,music,games and videos exclusive right on how they distributes his/her original work but it is only used limited times as is isn't all exclusive by the limitations and exceptions of copyright law (which are provisions in local copyright law, which means that copyrighted work can used without a license from the owner) which can be fair use.
Copyright is a form of internal property, applicable to form of creative work.

When it comes to a video game everything in the game is confirmed as a form of copyright to the developer example of cut-scenes, characters, music and level design would all be forms of copyright most main company would place copyright laws on there game to confirm that no one else would use there images or music for there own use, however there are some game company that would temporarily hire game designers to assist in creating there game but there are some situation in where the company may no longer require there assistance but the designer could still have the liability of using certain images or music from one game to another even if it is copyright  

2. PEGI: Pegi or Pan European Game Information is a Video game rating system that is used for all game on the present generation to help make European consumer make a informed decision before buying a game, when game designers are making a game, game designers consider what the target audience for there game would be and then consider what the Pegi for there game is.
Games rated by pegi are then confirmed by the different age rating depended on what form of game it is. 

3. when people need to consider on what game they are going to create they will need to consider on if it going to be racist to a fraction of the population and what forms of religion that will be introduced into the game and if it going to offend there religion.

Equality and diversity: people would gain the same forms of human rights and property even if they have a different form of race,religion or sex this would protect people from prejudice and discrimination from the public

4. BBFC: The BBFC stand of the British Board of Film Classification is the regulator of film and video that would then provide age Rating for people like PEGI the BBFC also help with gaming age rating but the rating for the BBFC is based off the public consultations and there guidelines which they follow which would then form a contract with the public, film industry and them.

The BBFC task is to insure of the children's and film-mongers protection from harm and  Illegal materials, and make informed decisions on what the public can watch on a certain channel

5. ASA codes: the ASA or Advertising Standards Authority are a self regulatory organisation which are involved around advertisement but they are also non-statutory which means that they cannot interpret or enforce legalisation, however they do have code which does lay down rules on advertising. 
Advertising for gaming is one of the most vital forms that game companies use to help sell off there following games. 

Non-broadcast code: The Non-broadcast code is the code in where it focuses around non-broadcast advertisements, selling promotions and direct marketing. this code should be followed by all advertisers, agencies and media.

Broadcast code:The broadcast code Appliances to all forms of broadcast advertisements an example would be teleshopping in where they sell contents on self-promotional TV channels, TV text and intractable TV ads it can even be sponsored credits on  radio

Libel: The word Libel is to "publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander, which is oral defamation." I have use this quote to describe what Libel means in advertisement heres a link to the website that i used

when Libel comes into games, game designers could use a actors or actresses face in a game to either represent a certain situation of there lives or to humiliate them which could Damage there reputation as a person which then they could take as a offence and could possible sue the company.


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