Level 3 games design comparison between ps1 and ps4

My gaming machine-PS1 and PS4

The ps1 was the first console i had there was reading a CD to play the game but it also had memory cards to store all the game information but there was only 16MB  you also had to plug it with multiple plugs the controllers were wired so you couldn't move freely from room to room so if you wanted a snack you would have to put the controller down in order to get your snack. 

As for the ps4 its now using blue ray discs but it also has a built in storage device to store all your games but this time you only have to plug in 2 plugs to operate the console also the controllers are now wireless so now you can move from room to room easily but there are other things that you couldn't do on the ps1 like watch you-tube and other international sites  . the release dates for the PS1 is 29 September 1995 and the ps4 was November 29 2003

the reason why i liked the ps1 was because it brought a new verity of games to play including FF8 which is my favourite game on the ps1 I still play FF8 on the ps3 because of it, the positives of the ps1 is that it played the games well and it had a lot of games that i would enjoy in the future. as for the ps4 it to became a console i have enjoyed which also brought other game i enjoyed and want to play 

positives for ps1, smooth gaming
negatives for ps1, small storage, easily scratch CD easy to crash

positives for ps4 smooth gaming, large storage less easy to scrach disk and multiple applications
negatives long game downloads

some of the games i loved were from the ps1 examples are FF8, tome raider, soul reaver etc
as for ps4 they also have games i enjoy examples are 

ps1 technical specs

Ps4 technical specs
Jaguar/Kabini x86-64 CPU, 
Image result for ps1Image result for ps4


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